January 30, 2013

Spring Workshops: Focus on the Search

Focus on the Search is a one-hour intensive session on searching for funding opportunities. At the end of this session participants will:
• Understand why it is important to make searching a regular part of your grantsmanship routine;
• Learn about the resources SPO has to offer;
• Learn how to use the COS Pivot database;
• Conduct a search of your own.

The session is held in the SPO conference room and is intended to be a personalized, one-on-one experience. Participants are asked to bring their own Internet-ready device, like a notebook or tablet computer.

The remaining spring dates are:

To register: Please click here to access the mini-course registration system through Learning and Development. Search for keyword “Focus on the Search”.

January 25, 2013

Environmental Technologies Solicitation (DoD)

The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) of the Department of Defense has released a solicitation seeking pre-proposals for environmental technology demonstrations. They are funding environmental restoration technologies, including research to remediate contaminants in soil, sediments and water, as well as, technologies to manage waste and reduce emissions in the area of weapons systems and platforms. They are also supporting research for the detection, classification and remediation of military munitions. Additionally, they will be funding tools, technologies and methodologies for the management of natural and cultural resources. The pre-proposals are due by March 14, 2013.

The ESTCP Director, Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee is holding an online webinar, including a question session, which will help inform those who are interested in the ESTCP funding opportunity. The webinar will be held on January 29, 2013, from 2pm to 3pm, ET. You must pre-register for the webinar. These webinars are generally quite informative.

Funding Opportunity: Sigma Xi -- The Scientific Research Society

Organization Issuing Grant: Sigma Xi -- The Scientific Research Society

Grant Title: Grants-in-Aid of Research Program

Abstract/Summary: The Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research (GIAR) program has been providing undergraduate and graduate students with valuable educational experiences for more than 80 years. By encouraging close working relationships between students and faculty, the program promotes scientific excellence and achievement through hands-on learning.

Award Amount: Up to $1000 for all areas of sciences and engineering. Designated funds from the National Academy of Sciences allow for grants of up to $5,000 for astronomy research and $2,500 for vision related research.

Deadline: March 15, 2013

Link: http://www.sigmaxi.org/programs/giar/index.shtml

Special Notes: While membership in Sigma Xi is not a requirement for applying for funding from the Grants-in-Aid of Research program, approximately 75% of funds are restricted for use by dues paying student members of Sigma Xi or students whose project advisor is a dues paying member of Sigma Xi. Students from any country are eligible to receive funding.

January 24, 2013

Cohen Peace Funds Available

Announcing available funds from the Benjamin V. Cohen Peace Fellowship Fund. These funds are meant to support faculty members and graduate students that are presenting scholarly papers or serving on a symposium at professional conferences on topics directly connected to the mission of the Cohen Fund. The Cohen Fund mission is to provide "a lasting memorial to Benjamin Cohen by fostering new approaches to the problems of peacemaking."

Awards from the fund shall be used to memorialize Mr. Cohen's commitment to the attainment of world peace by focusing on the study and discussion of world issues that affect world peace. Two awards of up to $500 are available for this academic year.

Funds may only be used to offset travel expenses (e.g., airfare, lodging, local transportation, meals).

You can find the application linked with this opportunity at: http://cms.bsu.edu/academics/centersandinstitutes/peace/academicopps/cohenpeacetravelfund

Information about the Cohen Fellowship Program can be found at: http://cms.bsu.edu/academics/centersandinstitutes/peace/academicopps/cohenpeacefellowship

Please note that is ESSENTIAL that a submitted proposal clearly articulate how the presentation fits with the mission of the Cohen Fund. Proposals that are not consistent with this mission will not be reviewed. Please also note that the deadline to apply for these funds is March 1, 2013.

If you have questions please contact"
Larry Gerstein, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Peace and Conflict Studies
765-285-1622 or E-mail

January 15, 2013

ASPiRE Spring Deadlines

Just a quick reminder about the upcoming spring semester ASPiRE deadlines.

  • International Travel:
  • May 1, 2013 (for travel dates occurring May 15, 2013-June 30, 2013)
  • June 17, 2013 (for travel dates occurring July 1, 2013-August 14, 2013)

Additional Programs—
Reprint Support, Student Travel, and External Travel Support:
15th of the month, every month.

For more information, visit the ASPiRE Internal Grants page or call (765) 285-1600

January 10, 2013

Workshops: Finding Funding for Faculty/Finding Funding for Graduate Students

University Libraries and the Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) are combining forces to assist faculty and graduate students in finding funding sources for their research and creative activity agendas.  SPO’s Augusta Wray will give a tutorial on COS Pivot, the largest funding opportunity and researcher expertise database, as well as other resources SPO has to offer.  You will also learn about Web of
Science, a powerful database helpful in crafting necessary literature reviews for grant proposals. There are two sessions being offered, one for faculty and one for graduate students. Sign up for your session today to reserve a spot!

Questions about these sessions can be directed to Augusta Wray in the Sponsored Programs Office, 5-1600.

Finding Funding for Faculty

Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Time: 10:00am - 11:30am

Location: BL 225

URL: http://bsu.libcal.com/event.php?id=229718

Finding Funding for Graduate Students

Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Time: 3:00p – 4:30p

Location: BL 225

URL: http://bsu.libcal.com/event.php?id=229738

January 07, 2013

2012-2013 Creative Teaching Grant

Applications for the 2012-2013 Creative Teaching Grant are now being accepted. Promoting instructional creativity and experimentation in undergraduate coursework, the Creative Teaching Grant supports intensive development of pedagogical resources for a course, a program, or a curriculum component. Faculty members holding tenure track or academic year contract appointments in any academic unit of the University may apply.

Please visit the Creative Teaching Grant webpage for additional information including
  • a list of past recipients,
  • video clips of past recipients discussing their approaches to applying for and implementing a Creative Teaching Grant, and
  • a link to the 2012-2013 Creative Teaching Grant application manual (please note that the application cover sheets are the last two pages of the manual).
The deadline for submission of proposals is January 17, 2013. Questions? Contact the Office of Educational Excellence by phone (285-1763) or email.

Provost Immersive Learning Grant

The Provost seeks proposals for Immersive Learning Grants for projects from Summer 2013 through Spring 2014. Electronic Proposals are due by 5:00p.m. Feb. Feb 5, 2013. This call is for new projects and previously funded projects seeking additional funding. Application information is available from the Office of the Provost and the Provost's website.

The Provost Immersive Learning Grant can be used to fund an entire immersive learning project, equipment, some travel, as well as buyouts to ensure you have time to commit to the project.

Here is how it works: You present a proposal to the Immersive Learning Advisory Committee. The proposals are judged on the seven criteria of immersive learning along with your expertise, time commitment, budget requests, and other factors. Faculty members may access guidelines here. Preference will be given to projects that meet all or most of the distinctive characteristics of immersive learning.

January 04, 2013

From the NEA: New NEA Guidelines and Webinars

Application guidelines for the next round of Grants for Arts Projects are now available on the NEA's website. To view the guidelines, go to www.arts.gov/grants/apply, select the field or discipline most relevant to your project, and choose Grants for Arts Projects from the list of funding opportunities.

Organizations may apply under the following categories:
  • Art Works: To support the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts, and the strengthening of communities through the arts. Within these areas, innovative projects are strongly encouraged. Grants generally range from $10,000 to $100,000. (Two application deadlines: March 7 and August 8, 2013)
  • Challenge America Fast-Track: To support projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations. Grants are for $10,000. (Application deadline: May 23, 2013)

Highlights of the changes to the guidelines for this year and what they mean to you
  • The Presenting discipline has been renamed Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works. Why the change? We wanted the Presenting discipline to be as open and welcoming to all multidisciplinary applications and felt a need to have the title and description properly reflect it. Additionally, some changes to the types of projects that will be accepted at each Art Works deadline have been switched between March and August. Click here to see a one-page description with all the information.
  • Review criteria to address innovation and inclusion have been added for the Art Works category.
  • Also in the Art Works category, applicants in all disciplines will upload their work samples electronically to NEA-GO over the same two-week period of time. Last year you had only one week to upload your samples and did so on a schedule according to your discipline.
  • References to the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) have been updated to reflect the migration to the System for Award Management (SAM). SAM is the same as the old CCR, just with a different web address.

Upcoming Webinars

We'll be conducting a series of webinars on the new guidelines. We're hosting the webinars by discipline/field so that appropriate staff will be available to answer your questions. However, please join us for any webinar that suits your schedule:
  • Artist Communities February 6, 2:30-3:30, Eastern Time
  • Arts Education February 12, 1:00-2:00, Eastern Time
  • Dance February 5, 4:00-5:00, Eastern Time
  • Design February 6, 4:00-5:00, Eastern Time
  • Folk & Traditional Arts February 12, 2:30-3:30, Eastern Time
  • Literature February 5, 2:30-3:30, Eastern Time
  • Local Arts Agencies January 29, 2:30-3:30, Eastern Time
  • Media Arts January 29, 1:00-2:00, Eastern Time
  • Museums February 6, 1:00-2:00, Eastern Time
  • Music January 30, 1:00-2:00, Eastern Time
  • Opera January 30, 4:00-5:00, Eastern Time
  • Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works January 10, 3:00-4:00, Eastern Time
  • Theater & Musical Theater February 12, 4:00-5:00, Eastern Time
  • Visual Arts February 5, 1:00-2:00, Eastern Time
  • Arts Journalism January 29, 4:00-5:00, Eastern Time

To join a webinar, go here.

If you're unable to make the webinars, they'll be archived on our website here.

For questions about the guidelines or your application, see "Agency Contacts" for the NEA staff that is most appropriate for your project.

The National Endowment for the Arts www.arts.gov

January 03, 2013

Announcing the new Advance Program

The Sponsored Programs Office is pleased to announce the new Advance Program. The Advance award will support proposal development through dedicated summer time, academic year release time, travel and/or supplies that will directly impact the development and submission of a competitive external grant proposal.

Requested support can be in the form of summer stipend, summer graduate assistantship, supplemental assigned time, and/or supplies, expenses, equipment, and travel (SEET), up to $15,000.

Upcoming 2013 deadlines for Advance applications are:
  • January 15, 2013
  • March 15, 2013*
  • May 15, 2013
*Requests for summer pay must be made no later than the March 15 deadline.

Eligibility for the Advance program, application requirements, program stipulations, and the review process is available on the SPO website. For questions regarding the Advance Program, please contact the Program Manager.